10 Effective Tips to Decrease Your Kids' Screen Time This Summer

Written By: Madison B.

Now that summer 2023 is in full swing, there are so many things to do; from binge watching our favorite shows, to playing our favorite video games for hours on end, and staying up to date with everything on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Hold on. Did you notice that everything I just mentioned has to do with being in front of a screen? That’s not too good.

Since school is out for a few more weeks, your kids have a lot more free time, and they probably want to spend it on their phone, tablet, tv, etc. It may be very tempting to allow your kids to spend all their time on their screens. However, it’s essential to encourage your children to engage in activities that promote their overall well-being and limit their screen time. While technology can provide valuable learning opportunities, excessive screen time can negatively impact children’s health, development, and social skills. In this blog post, we will discuss ten effective tips to help you decrease your kids’ screen time this summer, ensuring they have a healthy and enjoyable break.

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10 Tips to Encourage Your Kids to Spend Less Time on Their Screens

Set Clear Boundaries

Establishing clear and consistent rules regarding screen time is crucial. Discuss with your children the appropriate amount of time they can spend in front of screens each day and the specific activities they are allowed to engage in. Set clear boundaries and communicate them effectively, ensuring everyone understands and agrees to the rules.

These boundaries don’t have to be drastic. For example, you may want to tell your child they have to spend one hour doing chores around the house, two hours being active, and another hour reading a physical book. By setting up time requirements for other activities, it helps create that boundary for how much time they can spend on their screen.

Or you can tell them that they can only spend certain amounts of time on certain apps. You can even encourage them to set up their own limits so they can practice holding themselves accountable.

Lead by Example

You may or may not be surprised by this, but children often imitate their parents’ behavior. If your child is always seeing you watching tv, or scrolling through your phone, they will think it is very acceptable for them to do the same. So be a role model by reducing your own screen time. Engage in activities that do not involve screens, such as reading a physical book, going for walks, or playing outdoor games. Show your kids that there are plenty of fun alternatives to screen-based entertainment. You can even invite them to join you in these activities. You can make it a part of your daily routine. A daily 30 minute walk after work every day, or playing tag outside every other day can be a great way to be off your screen and spend time with your child. 

Encourage Outdoor Activities

Speaking of spending time engaging in fun activities, summer is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. From nature walks, to playing at the park, there are so many ways to spend time outside; you just have to be creative and open-minded. Encourage your children to engage in outdoor activities like swimming, biking, hiking, or playing sports. A great way to incorporate outdoor activities is to organize family outings or playdates with friends. This can help to make outdoor activities more enjoyable and appealing to your kids.

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Create Tech-Free Zones and Times

Designate specific areas in your home where screens are not allowed, such as bedrooms or the dining table. Maybe these areas are not fully screen-free, but they can be free from certain ones. For example, you may not want to have a tv in your kid’s room. Additionally, establish tech-free times, such as during meals or before bedtime, to promote family interaction and better sleep quality. When we take phones out of certain situations, it allows us to connect better with one another. It is also known that not being on your phone before bed helps you get a better night’s rest. 

Provide Alternative Activities

Offer a wide range of alternative activities to keep your kids engaged and entertained. Encourage them to pursue hobbies like painting, drawing, playing a musical instrument, or engaging in imaginative play. Provide access to books, puzzles, board games, and craft supplies to keep them occupied during their free time. Once again, you can also turn these into family or social activities for your kids. You can enroll them in a crafting class at your local Michael’s or Jo-an’s store or get them involved in a recurring activity at your library. There are lots of ways to pick up new hobbies that do not involve a screen. 

Plan Family Activities

Make a list of family activities that everyone can enjoy together. Plan outings to parks, museums, or local attractions. Consider camping trips, picnics, or exploring nature trails. Engaging in activities as a family not only reduces screen time but also strengthens bonds and creates lasting memories.

Enroll in Summer Programs

Look for local summer camps, workshops, or classes that align with your child’s interests. These programs offer a variety of engaging activities and allow children to socialize and learn new skills, diverting their attention away from screens. Your kids can learn new skills, meet new people, and get new experiences. 

Encourage Physical Fitness

Regular physical exercise is crucial for children’s overall well-being. Encourage your kids to participate in sports, dance classes, or yoga sessions. I know I keep mentioning turning these activities into family affairs, but they are great opportunities for you to bond with your child. Physical activity not only helps reduce screen time but also promotes better health and mental well-being. Building this habit with your young one can be a meaningful experience for you both. 

Implement Screen Time Monitoring Tools

Utilize technology to your advantage by using screen time monitoring tools. Many smartphones, tablets, and computers offer built-in parental control features that allow you to set limits on screen time and track usage. Familiarize yourself with these tools and use them effectively. You can even make it fun by turning it into a competition. Whoever can stick to their screen limit the most can get out of doing a chore or win a fun little prize.

Foster Social Connections

Encourage your children to engage in social activities and build connections with their peers. Arrange playdates, encourage participation in community events, or enroll them in group activities like scouting or team sports. Developing meaningful relationships and social skills offline can significantly reduce their dependence on screens. It can also enrich their lives as they make meaningful connections with others and learn new skills.

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Reduce Screen Time Together

Reducing your child’s screen time this summer is a worthwhile endeavor that promotes their overall well-being, physical health, and mental development. By setting clear boundaries, providing alternative activities, and fostering family and social connections, you can create a healthy and enjoyable summer for your children. 

Remember to lead by example and maintain open communication, ensuring that everyone understands and respects the established rules. By implementing these tips, you can help your kids strike a balance between technology and other enriching experiences, setting them up for a fulfilling summer and a healthier lifestyle overall. If you want more parenting tips, visit us at Empowerment Resources Inc. and we’d be happy to provide more information for you and your family. You can also join us for Parenting Education Seminars every Thursday from 6pm-7:15pm via zoom. 

Author, Madison B.