The Power of Praising Your Child

As a parent, you most likely want to raise your child to be happy, confident, and successful. One of the
most effective ways to nurture these qualities is through genuine and heartfelt praise. Acknowledging
your child’s greatness and commending their actions can have a positive and lasting impact on their self-
esteem and overall development.

Praising Your Child for Who They Are

Praising your child for being great is more than just expressing love; it’s about recognizing and
appreciating their unique qualities. When you celebrate your child’s greatness, you are instilling a sense
of pride and self-worth that can last a lifetime.

Below are some reasons why praising your child for who they are is so important:

Fostering Confidence and Self-Esteem

Children who receive genuine praise are more likely to develop a strong sense of confidence and self-
esteem. By acknowledging their positive attributes and unique qualities, you are reinforcing the idea
that they are valued and worthy individuals. This will also encourage them to think highly of themselves
and identify their wonderful attributes. This foundation of self-worth will empower them to continue
growing up with confidence.

Cultivating a Positive Self-Image

When you praise your child for being great, you are helping them build a positive self-image. Children
who perceive themselves in a positive light are more likely to approach life with optimism and resilience.
This positive self-perception becomes a driving force behind their actions and decisions, setting them up
for a fulfilling and successful future.

Praising Your Child for What They Do

Now, we’re going to slightly switch gears and talk about the benefits of praising your child for what they
do. This form of praise is simply called Praise for Doing. Praise for Doing let’s children know you
appreciate and value their efforts and behaviors.

Encouraging a Growth Mindset

Praising your child for what they do goes hand in hand with cultivating a growth mindset. Instead of
focusing solely on their abilities, you should commend them for their efforts, perseverance, and
achievements. This encourages a belief that skills and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Helping your child form this mindset fosters a love for learning and a willingness to face
challenges boldly.

Strengthening the Parent-Child Bond

Expressing praise creates a strong emotional connection between you and your child. When they feel
seen, heard, and appreciated, the bond between parent and child deepens. This connection becomes a
source of support and comfort for your child, fostering a secure and trusting relationship that lasts a

Encouraging Self -Motivation

Praising your child for their actions reinforces the idea that their efforts are meaningful and worth the
hard work. This helps them towards self- motivation, which is crucial for the development of a strong
work ethic and a passion for pursuing personal goals. When children can be proud of themselves for
accomplishing their goals, they are more likely to take the initiative and develop a sense of


As adults, we know what it is like when someone notices our hard work and commends us for it. We also
feel extra special if someone takes the time to show appreciation to us for being kind, funny, or
generous. Praising your child for being great and commending their actions can also help them
experience the wonderful feeling of being seen and appreciated. It is a powerful tool that contributes to
their development of confidence, self-esteem, and a positive self-image. So, I challenge you to take the
time to celebrate your child’s greatness with praise and watch them flourish into the amazing individual
they are meant to be.

Author: Madison B.