Setting New Year's Goals as a Family:
Strengthening Bonds and Building Futures

The New Year has arrived, and as we welcome the new year we
may find ourselves setting goals we hope to accomplish
throughout this year. Most of us are used to setting these goals on
an individual basis. But, if you haven’t thought about setting New
Year’s goals as a family, I’d like to introduce you to this concept. In
this blog post we’ll discuss some of the benefits that come with
goal setting as a family.

Fostering Unity and Shared Values

One of the most inviting reasons to set family goals is the
opportunity it provides to foster unity and establish shared values.
As each family member contributes their ideas and aspirations,
you’ll gain insights into what matters most to each individual. This
process can pave the way for meaningful conversations about
values like respect, kindness, responsibility, and perseverance.

By aligning your goals with these core values, you create a framework that guides your family’s actions and decisions throughout the year. Whether it’s committing to weekly family dinners, volunteering in your community, or prioritizing quality time together, these shared goals serve as a compass, ensuring that everyone is working toward a common purpose.

Strengthening Bonds Through Collaboration

Setting goals as a family isn’t just about the end result; it’s about the adventure you will all go on together. The process of discussing, planning, and pursuing these goals as family allows you all to strengthen bonds and deepen connections amongst each other. As you work together to overcome challenges and celebrate achievements, you’ll create amazing memories. Be sure to encourage open communication and active participation from every family member,
regardless of age or role. This inclusive approach ensures that everyone feels valued and heard, fostering a sense of belonging and shared responsibility. Whether you’re mapping out a family vacation,
starting a home improvement project, or beginning a fitness challenge, allow each family member to
contribute with their unique strengths.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Setting New Year’s goals as a family provides a great opportunity to cultivate a growth mindset among
family members. Embrace the idea that challenges and setbacks are opportunities for learning and
growth rather than impossible obstacles. Encourage resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to step
outside of your comfort zones as you pursue your goals together.
As you accomplish goals throughout the year, be sure to celebrate! This will create more opportunities
to have family time and emphasize the importance of acknowledging wins.


Setting New Year’s goals as a family is a powerful way to strengthen bonds, cultivate shared values, and
foster a growth mindset among family members. By embracing collaboration, communication, and a
shared sense of purpose, you’ll create a supportive and nurturing environment that enables each family
member to thrive.
As we begin to make our way through 2024, let’s remember to be kind to ourselves, encourage each
other, have fun, and grow. Let’s make this year a great one.

Written By: Madison B.

Empowerment Resources, Inc. (ERI) offers the Nurturing Parenting Programs®, an evidence based program that supports families in
raising children in a nurturing environment. Elexia Coleman-Moss, is certified to deliver the Nurturing Parenting Programs® to parents as well as train human services professionals to deliver the curriculum to include the topic of Communication with Respect. For more information contact